11/10/2020 -245 years later, Marines remain faithful.
When Semper Fidelis was adopted as the motto of the Marine Corps, it was taken to heart.
Marines remain fanatically devoted to their country, to the Corps, and to their fellow Marines, We remain steadfastly faithful through the good and the bad, the easy times and the times
When you feel like you can no longer go on.
11/10 Birthday -Today,and everyday remember the Marines around the world
Who sacrifice every day defending our freedom.
Remember the families left behind.
And remember the Marines who made the ultimate sacrifice, Marines who heard their country"s call and gave their all.
The country is reminded of the valor, the pride, the honor, of being a United States Marine.
The Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment still remain strong today,
and Marines deployed all over the world uphold those values as they fight to defend our freedom.
Veterans' Day and EVERY DAY - Remember the fallen and honor those still fighting.

Now available
Specialized Marine Corp Ball Ornaments

Finished in gift box

Hanging Glass Ornament Keepsake

Engraved USMC Memorial Bereavement Ornament
Personalized Marine Memorial Sympathy Keepsake
$19.95 plus shipping
Measures 3.75" x 2.75" includes ribbon
Most personalized items take 2-3 days for personalization and then I ship via USPS Priority Mail.

USMC & Military Branches:
United States Marine Corps Personalized Plaques
LIC # 41128
32 CFR 765.14 (3)"Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component
of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product
(or promotion, or service, or activity)"
16 inches across
Hand-crafted on our CNC Router
Personalized with your name

Plaque was Buffed & Clear-coated
to bring out the characteristics of the wood
Great gift for Dad or someone special!
Introductory Price: $80.00 US plus $9.95 shipping
New Military Ornaments coming soon!
Smaller Ornaments are available, just in time for holiday giving

email me if interested
Other branches of the Military are also available upon request
Concept to Finished Project

click here to see how a concept becomes a finished project

Need Kabar or Knife engraving
email us the text you wish to have engraved.
(The length of text you submit in each line may determine it's size).
The model of knife, engraving font style and orientation of knife blade (point facings left or right).
The normal turn-a-round time, once your knife is received, is approximately 5-7 business days.
The Epoxy Coated knives such as the black blade
Fighting Knives are best done with the Laser
which only vaporizes the coating away
and does not cut into the metal.
This has the advantage of providing extreme detail
for many font choices, and a variety of Logo images.

On other types, metal blades such as non-coated bare metal,
the blade is coated with a space age material
and then laser bonded to the knife.
Price Information:
Up to four lines of text on one side= $30.00
(Only three lines will fit on a serrated edge knife)
Both sides = $50.00
Logo or Mascot= $8.00 per side
A clean vector image - 300 DPI not to exceed 3-7/8"W x 7/8"H

additional artist prep for the laser at a fee
ranging between $24.00 - $75.00
for a black & white general logo
Pricing will depend on artwork or engraving required
email me if interested
Cold Steel Kopis engraving
Cold Steel Kopis:
1055 Carbon Steel w/ Black Baked on Anti Rust Matte Finish
The finish is a thin-coat and when the label is removed
there is glue residue and pitting
Please be careful when removing;do not use solvents

Unfortunately Cermark will not perform well on this Kopis
Here is an example of engraving through the anti-rust coating
It is not engraved to the bare metal to help avoid rusting

Speciality Items
Artwork & Design
Go from this to this 
Special Wall Accent or Window Screen from you initials or logo
Go from this to this

email me for more info

Cutting Boards

Wood House Novelty Signs
Lat-Long, Address or Logo/Artwork
email me with your info

Special Items:
Need something for Mom or that Special Someone?
Memory Box - holding personal treasurers or 3 x 5 recipe cards
Curly Maple - measures 13-1/2" W x 9-1/2" D x 5-1/2"H
can be engraved with your words

email me if interested

Personalize & Theft Protect your Tech Devices
Laser Engrave your Business Name or Logo
Laser engraved iPad, Xoom tablets, Kindle, or case.
Add a personal touch to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Case or Laptop
engrave your name, phone number and email address
to deter stealing and make it easy to locate you in the event it is lost.

Tattoo Your Technology:
Do you own it? Is your name on it?
Personal: Customize your electronics to to suit your personality. Any photographs or designs can be etched onto your portable music player, cellphone, laptop, or almost anything else you can think of. You will no longer have to worry about swapping similar cellphones by mistake.
Business: Brand your employees cellphones, PDA's, and laptops with your business logo and contact information. Etch scannable bar codes into your equipment to keep track of your inventory.
Security: Have you ever found a portable music player and you couldn't figure out who it belongs to so you can return it? You can engrave your contact information onto your electronics so that a good samaritan can return your lost tech.
Just a note:
Anodized Aluminum laser engraved to white will fade over time due to handling. WE have no control over how the material was anodized or what is under the coating.
Some engrave white, some silver, and some unfortunately are mottled.
Some Customized Samples
Bamboo Case


iPod Shuffle

We can etch a logo, simple text or
a complete image on the back of your iPhone5 ,
The anodized aluminum back of the iPhone 5
engraves beautifully with great contrast for photos,
logos and text; laser engraves soft white to soft silvery color.
For a full back image, pricing will be between $50-$60.
For a smaller image or text, pricing will be between $30-$40.
Shipping not included.

Wesley S. Henry Community Pier, Crystal Beach, Florida
Wood Memorial Plank Replacements

After years of exposure to sun, wind & salt spray
I can replace your wood memorial plank to look brand new, again.

ThinBrik Project
I have submitted to the Crystal Beach Community Association several samples of
ThinBriks - engraved for replacements
These are a great alternative to painted wood.
The weather, sun, sand & surf take a terrible toll the wood planks.
Here are 2 examples of engraved ThinBriks
The engraved brik turns to glass and will out last the brik itself.
It has a topping of clear ceramic monument glaze to help withstand the elements

Special Order Christmas & Holiday Ornaments are now available
Glass, Crystal, Wood or Acrylic
our design or yours
Please Note: We get very busy with ornament orders later in the season and availability of the standard shaped ornaments becomes limited.
Order ASAP to ensure you can get the style you want on time.
Custom laser cut shapes are always available but our work load increases dramatically for the holiday season which can extend production time.
Have an idea for a Christmas or Holiday Project?
I can help you with your design or idea.
You can always email me a picture of your item
include measurements & material required
I'll let you know what we can do!
Here is an example of a photo of a gazebo in Safety Harbor
The Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce wanted the
landmark Gazebo on an Oval glass ornament

Here is their free gift
the redesigned new logo

Remember that glass LASER engraved fractures the top layer of glass
and isn't actually cutting into the glass
Sandblasted ornaments are whiter and smooth to the touch
Some artwork is not suitable for ornament personalization
At times, a white or silver color fill may be applied to make the design "pop"

Glass ornament Info & pricing

New Addition-THE Best Premium Ornaments
THE Best Premium Quality Beveled Glass
4 NEW Exquisite Beveled Ornaments 1/4" thick
This new Premium ornament is exquisitely beveled to make fantastic, light-bending gem cuts.
An excellent gift idea for friends and loved ones, or unique promotional gifts!
Heavier weight with crystal-like edge cut at an affordable low price!
*Ribbon and giftbox included.
Some of the other shapes available in thinner glass:

Now Available
Color Photo Glass Ornaments
Beautiful Photo Keepsakes!

This ingenious gift is a great idea for Christmas, Valentines, Mother's Day, Father's Day,
Grandparent's Day, Birthdays and more.
Specialty Shapes can also be cut from Acrylic Cast or Mirror

Some examples:

Holiday Wood Ornaments:
All laser cut wood ornaments can be cut with or without the hanger at the top
Please Note: We get very busy with ornament orders later in the season and availability of the standard shaped ornaments becomes limited.
Order ASAP to ensure you can get the style you want on time.
Custom laser cut shapes are always available but our work load increases dramatically for the holiday season which can extend production time.
Thanksgiving Turkey
Cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch, lightly sanded & ready for decoration
Can be personlized with name or message
Great fun as name setting for your holiday dinner table
A very special project

A family tradition

2014 Holiday Ornaments & Gift Tags available now!

Special Elf personalized with 2014 & your childs name on the present
special message can also be added to upturned hat brim
Bag o toys can also be personalized with name

Cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch, lightly sanded and ready for decorating

Set of 6 ornaments can also be personalized
Jazzy Santa, Jazzy elf, sitting elf, toys elf, stocking & tree

Back by popular demand!
2014 Name Design are Boy & Girl Gingerbread people
actual example

Scrumptious Gingerbread Kids!
These are husky ornaments designed for little hands
Cut from 1/4" Baltic Birch, lightly sanded and ready for decorating
These do take extra time, so order early!
Proofs will be emailed before production
Many other styles are available
Glass, Mirror, Wood ornaments availalbe upon request

2012 Name Holiday Ornaments
Class Memories

Many designs are available

email me if interested

We can also reproduce most anything from a photo or line drawing.

Decking or Wood Planks
Capt Bligh's Miniature Golf
Clearwater, Fl

From a pencil sketch to finish ready product
Laser cut & engraved jewelry
click here to visit Mystic Firefly

Tribal or Tat Art
Pendants or Earrings can be special ordered
Strung on leather or wire hooks

other jewelry ideas

Laser engraved Anodized Aluminum tags
Anodized Aluminum tags can be engraved with any combination of photographs,
line art/graphics and/or text as permitted by the size and shape of the tag.
From wedding and party favors to tradeshows and conferences
personalized dog tags are gaining in popularity.
Many shapes, colors & sizes are available!
Permanent mark that won't rub or scratch off
ID Tags
Friendship Necklace
Pet Tags
Medical Alert
Spirit tags
Party Favors
Luggage tags
Business Cards


Working on a Fund Raiser?
Memorial, Announcement or Pathway marker or message?

Simple Clipart can be added
or artwork done of your corporate logo or sponsor

Brick & Tile Campaigns available - Large or Small

Standard Red Clay Brick - 4 x 8 x 2

You will always receive a proof before production is scheduled
This gives you the opportunity to review the text for misspelling or last minute changes
Once the brick is engraved your donor should be very happy

Building a new patio or walkway at home?
We can personalize your bricks, tiles & pavers
tree dedication, child's birth or the passing of a love one or pet
engraved bricks add that special touch to your project.
When red clay based bricks are engraved,
the mark turns into hardened glass and will outlast the brick itself!
We can also provide you with bricks & tiles, sources or use yours.
If your bricks or pavers are concrete & not red clay - don't worry,
we will blast, color-fill & uv-protect the fill
still allowing the paver to evaporate or release moisture & elements that will continue to work to the surface,
such as efflorescence, calcium or lime, etc.

Although the blast method is subject to fading & wearing,
it can be an alternative for you to use your old existing pavers
We do not blast too deep & the surface is smooth to the touch and will not break apart for sometime
Rule of Thumb when sandblasting concrete pavers
It should only be as deep as the font is wide!
Please take note that concrete pavers & bricks must be tested first.
The pricing is based on the time it takes for the entire process, a bit more than Clay-based bricks/pavers
We recommend using a san-serif font such as Arial or Veranda
Serif fonts are problematic & will probably break at the small decorative flourishes at the ends of the strokes

SLYCE Pizza Bar Patio
Here is a great example of concrete pavers installed in the patio area of the new
SLYCE Pizza Bar
Madeira Beach, Florida

An example of a tough concrete brick/paver we tested for suitability

Not a suitable brick
If the clay based brick contains a lot of cullet
This is an example of an unfilled clay brick

Download PDF-JRLS Ordering & Info (70 kb)
Download PDF-Successful Fundraising Campaign (81.3 kb)

University of South Florida
National Academy of Inventors
Travertine for new walkway

travertine, lightly tumbled provides better endurance than concrete.
used as pool coving, it has anti-slip properties, stays clean & you could drive a truck over it!

Ironstone Brick Pavers
NAI Project required over 340 bricks
Bricks from the building along with 8 x 8 Clay bricks

8 x 8 Belden Red Clay Pavers

Sunken Garden Wedding Brick
Wedding laser engraved Clay based brick, the hardened glass will stand the test of time

St. Petersburg Christian School Brick Campaign
Wire Cut Clay based pavers, the hardened glass will last a lifetime

New Fund Raiser Project

Legacy Gift

click here for Legacy Gift Form

We are pleased to help The Marriott - Renaissance Hotel at International Plaza, Tampa, Florida
celebrate their 10th Anniversary.
Honoring their employees & staff of 10 years.

These are very weathered 10 year old concrete pavers.
We scrubbed & degreased them, laser engraved them.
Colorfilled with Black Lithichrome monument paint.
Then applied, only to the lettering, UV proctective Clear.

New Fund Raisers

 We are pleased to help the Friends
with several engraved bricks for their walkway

Click here to help support the campaign
Friends of Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Invites you to become a BFF
New Fund Raiser

R.O.C. Park will provide a setting that celebrates the lives of our children
and remembers the joy they brought to this world.
This memorial will embody a family's love, a friend's loss,
and the compassion of our community.
This will provide a serene setting for remembrance, recreation and meditation.
In this way, we plan to extend the memory of our beloved children we have lost.
To raise funds to support this project via memorials, run/walk events, concerts and
other means to provide opportunities for gathering of friends and family,
as well as sponsoring opportunities for family, friends, businesses and corporations.
Click here to purchase you memorial paver
Saint Paul's School, Clearwater, FL
8" x 8" concrete paver program

Tarpon Springs Fundamental Elementary School

Sandblasted Pavers
can be seen at the front entrance
at the flag pole
Help support your school

COTI Community Christian School

Here is an example of 4 year old concrete pavers
left over from the original construction.
The concrete has a lot of black & dark aggregate mixed into the cement

As you can see they can take on a charm all their own!
Weathered & Earthy
A great recycle project!
Whether new or old - they will be cleaned and sampled for suitability

Here is another project using old fireclay-garnet 8 x 8 pavers
Highlands Elementary Schools

Memorials & Plaques:
Engraved Marble, Granite or Limestone
Here is an example of a limestone piece
cut to 16" x 16" memorial
used by our newest customer
Saint Paul's School, Clearwater, FL

Saint Paul's Silent Auction, April 12, 2014
Our Goody basket with gift certificate for personalization of items

3" x 3" Keepsake Marble Urn -

24" x 36" Granite Cross
A huge challenge - the size of the fleck in the granite was
sharp, very large, and irregular
The photo for the portrait was from 1950 & sepia
Our customer was delighted!

Our gift to Evelyn - 6 x 6 absolute black granite tile

Another example of a 18 x 18 x 2 granite marker

Example of an 12 x 12 x 3/8 Absolute Black Granite tile

Your granite or ours! Available in a variety of sizes
Laser engraved flush or Sandblasted & color-filled novelty


Personalize your Whiskey Stones
these Mix whiskey spheres feature:
•ability to chill your favorite spirit without diluting it
•an alternative to traditional ice cubes
•100% recycled soapstones
Measures 2" diameter. Made in USA.

Pet markers are available too!
Brick, Granite, Stone whatever you need!

Decorative Tile work
Can be done in Porcelain, Travertine, Marble or even bathroom tiles
Example of a 18" x 8-1/2" Travertine dedication plaque
Installed on wing:

Speciality Wood & Metal Plaques
Wood Or Metal longitude and latitude signs & planks
laser engraved, cnc routered or metal marked on a metal blank

Sunset Beach Civic Association Surf's Up Award
An example of a before and after when colorfill is applied
Before - this "stained" rosewood surfboard as laser engraved only

After - colorfill was hand applied & a final coat of wax to give it sheen

Walnut Memory Plaque
Highland Lakes Woodshop
Clear-coated walnut, laser engraved with gold foil accent

Specialty Plaques
We can engrave your item or you can special order our specialty plaques.
Gold filled also available

Laserable specialty wood cross
Personalized with your message or memory
Special Cross
Rosewood Piano Finish
Genuine Red Alder
Face can be flush or recessed with an oval ceramic glossy white tile
Text can be colorfilled
Cross measures 8" x 13 5/8"
Oval tile measures 4" x 6"

Piano Finish has a felt back for added elegance
& is keyholed for hanging.
Allow 10 business days for your special order.

We are pleased to provide many different shapes, edges & sizes.
Remember our Troops
engraved wood plaque with foil accents
Sarasota Youth Sailing Program
Charming wood plaque with foil accents
from the Children at the Learning Center
Their sign-in sheet was used for the signatures!
engraved frame with foil accents
CLMS gift for PTSA luncheon
Amazon Frame

color-filled wood plaque in specialty shapes


Pens & Pen Boxes:
Engraving for Pens & Penboxes
Laser engrave Wood or Acrylic Pens
Holiday Gifts, Graduation, Retirement, Father's Day or Mother's Day


Pen Turners:
Acrylic Barrels must be colorfilled
It is better to have engraved before you assemble to avoid the clip

Download PDF- Pen Tips, Pricing & Order forms (1.61 mb)
email me if interested

School Reunion Memories
Personalized with School Mascot or clipart
Name & Year
Color filled or Frosty

Fabric and Leather Laser Cutting & Etching
Hundreds of fabric butterflies perched
on dress form - North Caroline Boutique

Laser cutting fabrics and leather is a clever technique that can be used to create lace-like effects out of more solid base cloths.
The effect of laser cutting fabric completely changes the drape of the fabric,
in the same way that a fabric with a wider looser weave is more fluid, so too is laser cut fabric affected in a similar way.
When working with laser cutting, you should always do tests on small pieces of your chosen base cloth before going ahead with the full design,
as different fabrics will leave different amounts of burned outlines around the edges of the cut holes.
The laser burns away a portion of material when it cuts through.
Some fabrics will be affected more than others, and like with any experimental technique
it is worth ensuring that you get the effect that you want before you invest a large amount of time and money into the wrong material.
Some fabrics will end up with better sealed edges than others as well,
while others may end up becoming more tattered and frayed - which can be useful depending on the effect that you want.
When creating a pattern for a leather design, users should be aware of the width of the cutting beam.
If a laser beam cuts a line that is 0.2 millimeters wide, for example,
and some lines on the pattern lie closer than 0.5 millimeters apart, the cutter may obliterate both lines simultaneously.
Cutting two lines at the same time saves time when positioning one pattern next to another.
The width of the cutting beam may also make a difference when designing patterns with intricate cut outs
as spaces cut closer than 1 millimeter apart may produce a flimsier latticed pattern than anticipated.
We will advise if your drawing has cutting tolerances that are too small,
but we can"t be held responsible if your components do not hold together sufficiently.

Tribal Tats or designs to recycle or repurpose thrift store finds
Jazz-up an old Prom gown or Decorate a Wedding Dress

Download PDF- Fabric Cutting Presentations & Pricing (623 kb)
email me if interested
Etched Denim :


Promotional Items
usb sticks to grapefruit knives
We can help you with orders large or small
Artwork or Logo Conversion available
Here is an example of 1250 Grapefruit Knives

No job is too small!
We welcome local artisans & wood turners!
Here is an example of 10 letter opener handles made by Kevin of Largo
from his Aunts' fallen Pear Tree
This was beautiful wood & engraved a warm bronze color

Provide us with a blank or 2 for testing for the best results!

Need a promotional item?
No problem
laser engraved bamboo flip usb stick
For more ideas on engravable gifts, check out www.laserplaces.com

Also, Kit cutting service for radio control and scale airplanes,
with state-of-the-art precision kit cutting technology.

Each kit is cut off of your individual DXF drawing.
Also, your drawing or plan can be scanned & converted to a dxf file
which the laser-cutting software & machine can identify.
We ensure that the quality is of the utmost precision of the laser cut part.
Finally, your plans will be returned to you intact.
Customer Service and Satisfaction are our Priority.

e-mail us for information on pricing of your individual needs
Don't have Adobe Acrobat? Download it here 

Getting a quote is easy
Just provide your drawing, preferred file is dxf or dwg
which is polylined & color coded
State the material required & be sure to scale your drawing
Also if you are using Metric or Imperial Measurments.
If you need your plans scanned,
Have a pdf , eps or Corel drawing - email us for more information
Not sure? Just send a request question and we will get back to you!
Tangible Goods, either drop shipped or delivered to our premise
incur a $25.00 per month storage fee,
when goods are not picked up or service is not requested!
Payment is by CASH only and will include 7% Florida State Sales Tax

Our website is being updated
Please return soon for more detailed information
More Items - More Photos

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• All rights reserved •
CAVEAT: John Rivrud - JR LASER SOLUTIONS has no affiliation with Horizon Hobby, Inc or any of their products or services
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Web Design by RivrudWORX 
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